Why a Staffing Agency Helps You Hire Better Candidates

If you’re considering hiring you might wonder: why would using a staffing agency help you hire better candidates than the ones you can find yourself? While there are several reasons, today we will discuss the top three.


Established staffing agencies have a history of longevity. If you are a new company or start-up, you may not have a reputation that attracts new talent yet. Staffing agencies spend valuable time investing, networking, and relationship-building with the community to draw in candidates. Using a staffing agency allows you to leverage the network of a trusted source. This piece alone builds instant rapport with potential hires who are considering applying.


According to Linkedin, 76% of managers admit that attracting the right candidates is their biggest challenge. Because staffing agencies receive resumes daily, there is a built-in pipeline already. Similar to headhunting, recruiters know where to look and sometimes already know of a candidate that would be a great fit. There is an art to hiring and an expert staffing agency will not only help you look in the right place, but they will also draw from resources they’ve cultivated before you ever make the first call.


A staffing agency is filled with recruiters who are experts at analyzing what a successful candidate for a given position will need. Whether it is formal training or superior soft skills, recruiters vet candidates upfront. Sometimes who you don’t hire is just as important as who you do hire. Recruiters weed through the sea of applications and cut to the chase, saving you time and money. Because they are skilled at this process, they help you locate cream-of-the-crop candidates more quickly. Don’t underestimate a recruiter’s discerning eye.

ready to hire? call now!

If you’ve been considering hiring, Source One is ready to help! These three reasons just scratch the surface of why working with a staffing agency will help you hire better candidates. Our team has been providing staffing solutions for years from everything to temp staffing to permanent placement. Whether you need a contract employee or to replace someone right away, our experts have years of experience in finding the right candidate for you! Give us a call or contact our office today!